The Sensex &Nifty started the week on downtrend, as investor reaction to the Budget brought up on Friday. The Nifty50 index was trading lower 159 points at 11651-mark, while Sensex dropped by a massive 511 points at 39001-level at 11.00am
Leading losers in trade were Hero MotorCorp and Grasim, ONGC and IOC, while Yes bank, HCL Tech, Infratel and JSW Steel led gains on Nifty.
PNB fell a staggering 10% fall after reports that the bank had noticed a fraud of about Rs3000-crores by Bhushan Steel& Power.
YesBank was the top gainer on Sensex and Nifty and the stock surged a huge 5.79% Rs 93.25.
Banking stocks were exceedingly volatile in trade today with Nifty PSU Bank falling 5.37%, while Nifty bank plunged 2.05%.
All the Sectoral indices are trading in the red with massive fall in Nifty PSU Bank index hitting at 3,126-level down 5.37%.
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Leading losers in trade were Hero MotorCorp and Grasim, ONGC and IOC, while Yes bank, HCL Tech, Infratel and JSW Steel led gains on Nifty.
PNB fell a staggering 10% fall after reports that the bank had noticed a fraud of about Rs3000-crores by Bhushan Steel& Power.
YesBank was the top gainer on Sensex and Nifty and the stock surged a huge 5.79% Rs 93.25.
Banking stocks were exceedingly volatile in trade today with Nifty PSU Bank falling 5.37%, while Nifty bank plunged 2.05%.
All the Sectoral indices are trading in the red with massive fall in Nifty PSU Bank index hitting at 3,126-level down 5.37%.
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